Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sms which Atharv received today

Chinky Maasi from Mumbai: To dearest Atharv- Wish you many many happy returns of the day my sweetest bebu. Hope you life a longgg life with lots of success, happiness, luck and love.
Nidhi from Delhi: Wishing the little one and his parents a very very happy birthday. May god bless him and shower his choicest blessings. Warm wishes from Saurabh and Nidhi.
Garima from Chennai: Many happy returns to baby Atharv. May his life be filled with happiness, success and contentment. May he shine like the sun and make you proud parents. With lots of love from Garima and Rajiv.
Harish Totade and family: Hi here's wishing master Atharv Arora a very happy birthday.
May the lord shower his choicest blessings on him.
Rhituparna (Office): Please convey my love and birthday wishes to Atharv
Melissa1(office): Please give Atharv a big hug and a big kiss today and wish him a verrryyy happpyy birrttthhhdddaayyy from d coolest Aunt Mel.
when it started raining Melissa2(office): So god has sent showers of blessing for atharv. How nice
Chitra (office): Wishing Atharv a very happy birthday
Pallavi (office): Dear coochie poo, happy budday :-) big kiss and hugsss!!!
Snighda Didi (Delhi): Wish Atharv a very happy birthday! Tickle him and give chocolates :-) Love him so much.
Tanvi Didi (Bangalore): Happy first birthday. Hope you have an awesome year and bug your parents and get ur way and make them laugh and smile. Lots of love and hugs.

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