Monday, November 9, 2009


We got up early in the morning. Chetan and I left to ayi's place to shop for Puja stuff, vegetable, etc. Came home at 2:00pm, finished lunch by 2.30pm. We had to change Atharv's clothes from Benetton (for bigger size) so we left at 3.00pm to Colaba. We reached Colaba Benetton shop at almost 4.00pm. We exchanged clothes and came back home at around 6.30pm. The entire evening we were planning, buying stuff for Puja and setting up the house. In the night before dinner, I was feeling nostalgic. Atharv grew so fast, I miss all the days that I spent with him, when he was chotu sa baby. He grew so fast. It is almost like I delivered him few months back and look at him now! Running around the house screaming, shouting, dancing around, and trying to seek everybody’s attentions. Oh man! Times flies! We were so tired but our enthusiasms were at the peak for Atharv’s first birthday. The day ended at 3.00am in the morning in the bed.

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