Sunday, November 29, 2009

Visit to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara

Atharv's Delhi Visit: Last day

Today Atharv visited his sister's place at Hauz Khas. Both Ragini and Rukmini were very excited to see him. They gifted him a colourful train with yellow string :-). Riya also joined them shortly. Gals had loads of fun with Atharv.
Mohini Buji fell in love with Atharv, she hugged him and kissed him limitlessely.
Atharv loved Ziju (pet dog), He wanted to hug him, bite him and love him but we thought it is not a good idea. We had to keep Atharv away from Ziju for safety sake. Overall everybody was glad to meet Atharv. These photographs are one of the best ones that Atharv will love when he grows up. I love them all.

In Delhi//Favorite passtime

yeh wahi haath hai aur yeh wahi tap hai :-)

Atharv's favorite passtime was to go to kitchen and balcony to open the taps and feel the water on his hands. We got tired of keeping him away from it but it didnt stop doing the same thing again and again.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Massage in Sun

Spending quality time with my son in Delhi's pleasant weather. We thought to give Atharv a nice massage in the sun. Chetan, Atharv and me had great fun.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Atharv is now 9.3 kgs

Atharv has started standing on his own often now. He stands without any support. How cool is that?

Today, Atharv stood in front of Doctor and his doctor said, " Atharv, I am very impressed. Next time when you visit me, I want you to walk into my cabin.

We visited Dr. Kamath for Atharv's vaccination:
1. Chicken Pox
2. Hepatatis AI
As usual Atharv cried only for 1-2 mins and then he was fine. My brave baby.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Atharv stood on his own

Today Atharv stood for almost 15 secs on his own. Dadi, Mummy and Papa witnessed it and of course went crazy and screamed in excitment. We got so excited that Atharv got scared.hehehe

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Baby

We actually live our childhood through our kids. Otherwise why would we buy a small multicoloured (soft toy)cub whose tail is bent for yourself or for that matter a rattle even though it is soothing for your ears. These things can be done and bought only for kids and these things gives immense pleasure because it make our children smile.
What is this bond? If he smiles we smile, if he cries or gets hurt, we almost die in pain. Who makes this bond strong? is it us - parents or is it our kids? No clue. But yes, the bond is strong and it keeps growing stronger day by day.
I still remember when Atharv was born. He was like an angel. I still remember Tulsi Bhabhi's words when she saw Atharv's pix, "Tumne itna cute baby paida kaise kiya".:-) I love my baby so much. I play with him everyday endless withour getting tired.
My boy is growing stronger as well. He bangs his head on my check bone and chin and it hurts really bad. He loves biting me. He still loves to play with my hair. By chance if we keep the cupboard slighlty open, he removes all the clothes and throw them on floor. Any folded clothes lying on the chair are also not spared.
He like to pull the laptop's key board and telephone wire. Everything has to go into his mouth. We have shifted our entire kitchen in the loft beacuse Atharv keep throwing things around. Running after him both Nani and Dadi goes mad.
I have not seen a single baby of his age who laughs like he does.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sms which Atharv received today

Chinky Maasi from Mumbai: To dearest Atharv- Wish you many many happy returns of the day my sweetest bebu. Hope you life a longgg life with lots of success, happiness, luck and love.
Nidhi from Delhi: Wishing the little one and his parents a very very happy birthday. May god bless him and shower his choicest blessings. Warm wishes from Saurabh and Nidhi.
Garima from Chennai: Many happy returns to baby Atharv. May his life be filled with happiness, success and contentment. May he shine like the sun and make you proud parents. With lots of love from Garima and Rajiv.
Harish Totade and family: Hi here's wishing master Atharv Arora a very happy birthday.
May the lord shower his choicest blessings on him.
Rhituparna (Office): Please convey my love and birthday wishes to Atharv
Melissa1(office): Please give Atharv a big hug and a big kiss today and wish him a verrryyy happpyy birrttthhhdddaayyy from d coolest Aunt Mel.
when it started raining Melissa2(office): So god has sent showers of blessing for atharv. How nice
Chitra (office): Wishing Atharv a very happy birthday
Pallavi (office): Dear coochie poo, happy budday :-) big kiss and hugsss!!!
Snighda Didi (Delhi): Wish Atharv a very happy birthday! Tickle him and give chocolates :-) Love him so much.
Tanvi Didi (Bangalore): Happy first birthday. Hope you have an awesome year and bug your parents and get ur way and make them laugh and smile. Lots of love and hugs.

Birthday wishes from my office colleagues

Thanks guys for lovely wishes.. I thank you all on behalf of Atharv

Atharv's birthday Pix