Saturday, August 29, 2009

Atharv as of today

Atharv has become the cutest and smartest boy ever. He makes us run behind him like crazy. 1. He crawls seamlessly, sits on his own, holds the furniture and walk
2. He loves to play with steel utensils. He crawls into the kitchen, removes the utensils from the utensil holders and throws them at a good distance. He can lift a 3 litre cooker with his one hand. How cool is that? He loves to play with spoon and bowl.
3. He loves to eat and thats makes my and ayi's life so hassle free. The moment he sees his milk bottle, he gets restless.
4. He is currently on his iron drops. The moment he sees that there is a dropper in my hand, he locks his lips like no body's business. So we also do a little trick. Atharv loves when he or anybody sneezes and he starts laughing a loud and excatly thats when we empty the dropper in Atharv's mouth.hehehe
5. I go craczy with him my guitar, my gun, my vegetable basket, my sword, my stick and I play with him. I throw him in air and he loves it. His non stop laughs is to die for. I mean I can give my whole life away, for his laughter.
6. In our typical way, we start counting 1, 2 and he anticipates that we are going to tickle him and he laughs and laughs and laughs.
7. He only says Pa-pa when Chetan is not around. I remember when he said Papa for first time, Chetan was in Sri Lanka for work and he was constantly emailing me asking today how many times did Atharv said Papa.
8. Armed with 6 teeth Atharv bites our fingers and cheecks till we scream in pain and then he smiles
9. When we are in bed, Atharv likes to keeps his head on my back and I love it
10. He eats everything
11. He has awesome grip and lovely hand eye coordination. He picks up ants and kills mosquitoes if they are moving or sitting on the floor respectively. Its a sight to watch when his eyes follows the moving housefly.
12. Atharv is an extremly observant kid. When we go out he watches each and every thing. He get very excited looking at vehicles and he observes the moving wheels very closely. 13. He has now started eating all most everything except sweets and non-vegeterain food.
14. Atharv only cries if he is either hungry or sleepy

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