Friday, June 5, 2009

Atharv these days!

-Atharv now can bear weight on his legs when I hold him upright with great ease.
-He recognizes voices and his name and tells tunes apart.
-He prefers to look at complex objects and changes position to seek a better view
-He can sits with little support.
-He tries to grab and hold on to anything and everything.
-He has started semi crawling (more than creeping) by pushing his body with the help of his elbows, tummy and toes.
-He babbles a lot.
-Recently he has started singing lullaby for himself, when he feels sleepy.
-His love for Peek-a-boo is just increasing day by day.
- I loves to see him when he watches his own fingers and laughs.
-He loves Chetan’s silly songs especially – Mere Baby ne potty ki, khub sari potty.

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