Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Atharv completes 7 months

Seven months back you were nestled contentedly in my warm womb, your safe house for over nine months, protected from the harsh world. I wondered if you were a boy or a girl, guessing that, I loved resting my hand on my abdomen and feeling you poke me. Your Papa and Dadi had fun watching the bumps rolling on my tummy when you stretched and jabbed inside your cramped living quarters.

In my womb, you entertained us with your calisthenics every morning and late evening, flipping joyous cartwheels as you and I enjoyed all the sweets in the world which I had never eaten before. In the delivery room, you refuse to come out in spite of pushing, punching and kicking hours after contractions began (almost 1 and 1/2days). After C-section you came out in the world.

On November 10, 2008, Monday morning at 6:45am, you were born. You were no longer in my womb, but connected to each other by your umbilical cord, we were still as one. You gave a little cry. You started mouthing your fist desperately. I could see the love, excitement and satisfactory feelings in each one of us when we saw you for the first time. I couldn’t believe that you were mine - You were so beautiful, innocent, pink, adorable little baccha. I think I could never be able to thank God enough for you.

We wish you all the love, luck, peace and satisfaction in the world. Muuuuuahhhhhh!

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