Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Feet

Our home has grown with two little feet in November 2008. And now these happy little feet wants to grow faster. Thats what he learned, when we first fed him with semi-solids today. After our confusions, discussions, thoughts, beliefs, observations we finally decided to feed Atharv with food.

We were surprised to see that he is actually taken it very well. After the feed in the morning at around 8:00am, Atharv eat half an apple (cooked) at 9:30am. At 12:00 noon half a bowl of water melon juice. At lunch he had mama's feed. Khichdi was served at 4:00pm. Carrot Puree was loved by Mumble, which he had at 7:00pm. After 7:00 pm, he was on feed again. I got so excited that I deviced mean plan for the entire week.

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