Friday, March 20, 2009

Atharv is precious to us

Of all the blessings God sends from above, the one most precious is a baby to love. This blog is mere an expression of my love towards Atharv and his growing process. Though it is very difficult to pen down how I really feel about my Bacchu. That is why I have not published a post when Atharv was born. There are no words to describe that feeling. Also, I am sure when Atharv grows up, he will love to go through this blog.

Having a baby is the most precious feeling which is incomparable with any other feelings. Watching Atharv grow and develop in front of my eyes is going to be the important part of my memories and will stay with me till I live.

I am glad and thankful to one and all, who visit this blog on regular basis. Thanks for following the journey of my beloved baby.

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