Friday, March 27, 2009

Atharv is teething

GUDI PADWA (Maharashtrian New Year) is the moment when people say good bye to the passing year and welcome the new one with great pomp (shobha Pheri) and show. It is the time when we celebrate the day with our loved ones and cherish the old sweet memories, created in the journey called 'life'. Last New Year we were 2 and this year we are 3. Our joy has tripled as Atharv have come in our lives to brighten our world.

On his first New Year, god gifted him two nice milk teeth (lower jaw). Ahhh! They are so cute. One more milestone. I got so excited that I almost tore Chetan’s T-shirt. I tried clicking pic of his teeth but was not successful. Chetan, Tanvi and me were so happy.

These days it is very difficult to carry Atharv in arms. He moves and kicks so much that it hurts.
In the morning, we went to Malad at Rajni didi’s place followed by shopping at Inorbit Mall and at Hill Road. Same evening ,we took Tanvi to Reclaimation and Bandstand. Finished our Dinner at Kobes and dropped Tanvi at Malad.

In the night we both kissed Atharv and again wished him Subh Gudi Padwa.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guess who is here?

Tanvi Didi from Delhi is here to meet little Mumble. She opted Mumbai instead of Austria. Wow! Atharv will be so thrilled to know this when he grows up.

Monday, March 23, 2009


What a lovely smile and sparkling eyes.

My loved ones

Finally this weekend Chetan didn't have work. He spent lot of time with Atharv. He fed him, played with him, danced with him, sang songs, took him out, played with his ears, took him for a walk, gave him loads of kisses and finally cleaned his potty. Potty cleaning was Chetan's first experience, hence before he could react Atharv legs were all smeared with his colourful potty and it was quite messy. I sat back, watched and laughed.

From Atharv's birth, he has this habit of raising both his legs in air, after he is done with susu or potty. How amazing!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Atharv gift wrapped

New Milestones

Atharv has learned to hold his toes with his hands by raising his legs.Yuppiee! He look very chweeet doing that. He hold his toes and opens his mouth, but my baby will need some more time to put his toes in his mouth. I am waiting for that day. When put to sleep Atharv moves 180 degrees.
Other things Atharv does: - When I swing him in my arms, he laughs so much. But in little fear he holds his own head, or my finger behind his head with both hands or guess what? he holds his cheeks with his fists. He look so adorable.
-He is a very naughty. When I put pillow next to him, he either pulls it on him or start sucking. See some lovely images, my son is so photogenic. I love him so much.-His gargling is still on and its getting louder day by day.
- He screams continously for 15 mins - 1/2 hour. - He has develop a new fascination for wind chimes, we have two at our place and he loves them.
- Now-a-days he tried to hold our face by catching either our cheeks or ears and try to eat us by opening his mouth. He sucks my chin, eats my fingers.hehehe. -He loves his mini push ups. - He loves watching himself in the mirror. -He loves to suck Chetan's shoulder and rub his nose on his shoulder. Now-a-days Atharv enjoys going out. When we sit in the car, he keeps watching moving vehicles, people, colourful hoardings, everything and anything.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Atharv is precious to us

Of all the blessings God sends from above, the one most precious is a baby to love. This blog is mere an expression of my love towards Atharv and his growing process. Though it is very difficult to pen down how I really feel about my Bacchu. That is why I have not published a post when Atharv was born. There are no words to describe that feeling. Also, I am sure when Atharv grows up, he will love to go through this blog.

Having a baby is the most precious feeling which is incomparable with any other feelings. Watching Atharv grow and develop in front of my eyes is going to be the important part of my memories and will stay with me till I live.

I am glad and thankful to one and all, who visit this blog on regular basis. Thanks for following the journey of my beloved baby.

The Yenna Rascalla Look (remember OmShantiOm?)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Look at me!

Atharv has started screaming so loud that my neighbours can hear his scream.