Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pucchu's Update

  • My pucchu's nails are growing faster than mine. Every Friday I cut his nails.
  • He has started scratching his head.
  • When he wakes up in the afternoon, he is so happy and naughty. We both play for hours, he just keeps laughing continously. When he laughs loud, I love to see his mouth without teeth..hahahah. He might get a dimple when he grows (I think).
  • He enjoys his morning and evening outings in his pram.
  • He sucks his fist quite often. Infact he has started sucking and biting everything that reaches his mouth.
  • He says following words: Ahku, Huggo, Huggi, Aayi, Baaaaa, hangyaa, didi, Boboo, Yaayi, Akii, Hana, Hahaha.
  • Sometimes he sucks his lower lip just like his father (when he was a kid)
  • His eyelashes are growing long n nice (Just like Chetan's).
  • Sometimes he talks with his lips lock.
  • His nautanki crying expression are to die for. He does that with Chetan and it looks as if he is complaning about me.
  • He enjoys talking to Lakshmi when she massages him or when she wipes him after bath.

I am loving each and every moment of spending time with my Kido. Will miss him terribly once I start working. I love him so much and I thank god every day for such a wonderful baby.

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