Wednesday, February 10, 2010

List of things that Atharv does

1. He touches everybody's feet
2. He show us the birds around
3. He does gol gol rani kita kita pani. jab chakkar ati hai to bhait jata hai
4. He opens fridge door now
5. He ask us to form a circle and ask us to sing ringa ringa roses
6. He goes and climbs my dressing table, sit on it and keeps talking to the mirror.
7. He imitates us when we laugh. He covers his mouth and laugh
8. He has learnt to eat with his spoon. Even if we try to feed with our hands, he will insists that he will eat on his own with his spoon
9. When he fakes laughter, he blinks and laughs
10. He wants to go out with anybody and everybody who is at the door
11. He has extremly sharp ears.
12. He plays on his own with his toys for hours.
13. He sings (have no ideas what but he sings)
14. He claps his hands both in front and in back
15. He walks ulta (reverse gear).
16. He tries to do spilts. He takes two pages and place his each feet on them and then spilts.
17. We didnt teach Atharv certain things but he learnt on his own, like, How does tiger/lion roars, eating with spoon, sweeping the floor, noise of mixie, etc.
18. He walks with clothes in his hands
19 When Ayi/Mummy leave folded clothes on the table, Atharv goes to the table and pull the clothes on the floor and throws them in various direction
20. He does not walk, he runnnnnnnnssss.
21. He dislikes when anybody disturbs him
22. The moment he sees his milk bottle, he is ready to lie down anywhere to drink it.
22. He goes in the kitchen and open all bottle.
23. He comes to the computer table and keeps pressing 'Enter' button.
24. He presses speaker phone button and then picks up the receivers and says - ahelo
25. He loves listening to music. We have taught him to start the dvd player. He does it so perfect.
26. He identifies our car in the parking lot
27. He has now started rejecting food.
28. Atharv has ten teeth now
29. He still sleeps on his pillow and pulls another pillow over him
30. He loves parks and people around him
31. He identifies flavours of different rice
32. He loves grapes, bananas, Pomogrante and Watermelon
33. He enjoys eating buna chana and peanut
34. He loves playing in water. Can sit in water for ages
35. He goes to his room on his own, if he is sleepy
36. He informs us if he needs to do susu
37. He throws utensils all around the house
38. Now he has started looking at the pictures/images (from the book)
39. He bangs his head if he is angry
40. He laughs so much...
41. He loves his massage and talking to Lakshmi in his own language
42. When he takes bath, he goes to the mandir to do JAI Bhawanji
42. He loves his grand parents
43. He can peel a banana
44. He eats with his hands
45. He washes his face. Dip his hands in bucket and then cleans his face. He loves applying soap on his hands and face. He wipes as well
46. He brushes his teeth. Half the paste goes in his stomach.
47. He has started scribbling on bedsheets, floor, our faces, etc.
48. He combs his hair and apply baby powder to himself. Sometimes he combs my hair too

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