Thursday, September 24, 2009

Me in Chennai for work

Sipping hot coffee with my laptop on, little headache, no sleep, little hungry and missing my family expecially Atharv terribly. Its just 8:00pm and I have returned to my hotel room from office. I will be in Chennai fr another two days.
Missing Atharv's scream, his laughter, different faces that he makes, the way he hugs me or Clings on to me - saying Mumma Mumma (his not so clear words) and many more things.
I am getting addicted to Atharv as the days pass by. I keep thinking about him when I am at work. I keep talking to people about him, show his videos, photographs, blog to everybody. I really get lot of joy when i do that.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Two more teeth

I screamed in the morning saying, " Two more teeth, Two more teeth." I was so excited. Today was first day of Navratri. May Matarani bless my boy.

And by the way now we have 8 teeth already. Atharv is surely going to bite us more.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Every day is a surprise!

Its fun to watch Atharv playing

See how playful Atharv looks in these pictures. Both Chetan and I love to see him play. He plays alone for hours with toys, utensils and shadows.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nayi Nayi

Atharv is a smart kid! Today he was applying besan malai mixture on his legs and he was scrubbing it as well. Lakshmi, ayi and chetan were surprised to see that he was applying the uptan on his own. Post that he got cleaned and jumped straight into his bath tub, which his dada dadi gifted him.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I am stronger than I was back,
When you took me on,
I know just where I stand.
I've been searching for a sign,
To tell me that its time
And now I understand.
Everything falls in to place
These will be my shiny days
Just as I was hoping,
Just as I was hoping.

I'm still standing tall,
I will not fall
Back against the wall
I will survive it on my own
I'm still standing tall,
won't ever fallL
Live through it all,
I'll be standing.
-Kym Marsh

Playing with Utensils

Atharv loves playing with utensils. Check it out.

Atharv knows me now

Atharv has now started clearly distinguishing me. Whenever he is upset, sleepy or hungry and if I am around, he wants to come to me instead of Ayi, Chetan or anybody else. (I am loving it)

If Chetan and I are standing at the distance and if we both call him, with his naughty look, he will give a very big smile to Chetan and then crawls (faster) towards me.

Jealous Chetan, then kisses Atharv and says – Mummy ka Chamcha, mere paas toh ata hi nahi.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Atharv's first Ganesh Chaturthi

Last year during Ganesh Chaturthi, I had left for Delhi and Atharv was in my womb. I was seven months pregnant. Time flies man! “Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” This quote is so true. I miss my days when I was carrying Atharv. I think every woman must get pregnant to experience the wonderful feeling. In my entire life I have not received such kind of love and caring from everybody in my family. I became so much closer to my ayi, mummy, papa and of course Chetan.
This Ganesh chatuthi, when lord Ganesh came home, his blessings were already in my arm. I was so excited to show Atharv how beautiful Lord Ganesh is! During this period we visited few Ganapathy in and around our appartments, attended arti, participated in visarjan. Mummy, Atharv and I, we went a short distance for a visarjan. Atharv wore organe ribbon on his forehead and vermilion on his forehead. He looked CHO cute that i have no words to express. Auhhhhh!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


How much we enjoy eating our socks for breakfast :-)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Clap Clap Clap

Atharv has learnt to clap. He looks cho chweet when he clap with his tiny hands..Auhhhhhhhhh

He claps when I sing Ganapathy Aarti to him