Saturday, April 18, 2009

Atharv my darling

Today I took you to your 5 1/2-months check-up. You were all smiles and spits and sputters until the Doctor pricked your legs with needles. But because you are such a happy baby nearly all the time, you managed to attempt a smile through your tears. As the weeks pass and I now measure your age in months, I already look back on your “chotu baby” days as special. Much of our time together was you and me together, with a lot of cuddling, kissing, dancing in my arms n laps, feeding, nursing etc. Now you are nearly 8kgs and too long for the clothes it seems only moments ago I put aside as too big for you. Before you came along I had only read about the unique bond between a mother and son. Now I know what that feels like. As always I still sing nursery rhymes and songs and watch your face light up with amusement. Some day Mommy’s silly songs will be too childish for you but I hope you never outgrow our closeness. Today you were my strong and solid little boy kicking his legs on doctors table. Tomorrow I will turn around and you’ll be standing beside me, as a big and mature young man. Don’t ever forget how much I love you.

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