Monday, November 10, 2014

On your birthday

Dear Atharv,

Six years ago you lit up our world. You have brought me nothing but pure joy since that very first moment. Watching you grow, absorbing the world around you, inquisitive and delighted to learn, I am reminded each day of the treasure you bring into my world.

As all mothers do, I have goals, dreams and wishes for you. I have, as you can imagine, dozens of them, but on this 6th birthday, I will limit myself to the six I wish for most.

I wish for the kind heart I see you in now to stay firmly in place.  Keep it, nurture it, handle it with care.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are too sensitive. You feel extremely sad when I accidentally cut my fingers while chopping veggies. I still remember when you were two years old, my hand accidentally got stuck into the windom and got a big cut on my finger there was blood all over; you ran to your father and asked for band-aid for me.The best part of my day is the joy infused by your smile, your hugs, the tender way you put your hand on my face or suddenly say, “Mommy, how was YOUR day?”  I couldn’t live without your affection and kindness.

Don’t ever apologize for who you are, for what you want, for how hard you have worked or where you are going in life. I don’t doubt you will work hard, but I can already see signs that you are quick to apologize, to back down. Don’t. You have learned this from me and I wish I could take it back.  Stand your ground, be proud of you.  Do not live to make others happy or to measure up to someone else’s expectations.  Be Atharv.  This is enough.

Be a student.  Be a teacher.  Learn at every opportunity.  Read. Be inquisitive. Ask. And when you know something and know it well – teach others.  Do not hoard your knowledge, your gifts – share them.  There is inherent beauty in being both student and teacher.  It is a gift to learn and a privilege to teach.

I wish you wins and losses, trophies and empty shelves.  As much as I would love to see you succeed in everything you do… as much as I believe in your gifts, I must wish you challenges.  For it is within the losses, the 3rd, 4th and 5th places, and the failures that your character will be built. It is my job, as your mom, to do my best to guide you through these moments. If everything was to be easy for you, you would be ill-prepared for the ‘real’ world.  I promise you, life is not always easy.

Your dreams: do them.  Your heart: follow it.  Your family: treasure them. Your friends: be loyal to them. Your fears: embrace them and allow them to make you stronger.  The money you earn: Respect it. Your passion: LIVE IT. For rest you have Nicherein Daishonin’s Buddhism and Gonhonzon. Base your life on Buddhism. It will make your goal easier and will give you enough strength to pursue your dreams.

Seek joy.  Every single day, find something that makes you happy and do it.  Be it big or small – an act of kindness, listening to a song you love, calling a friend, watching a any game with your dad – it quite simply doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you spend a portion of each day smiling and laughing.  This is how you came in to the world, it is only fitting that keep the tradition going.
And my ‘one to grow on’ - I wish to be here for each of your moments…. to keep you on track.

Atharv, you are what bliss looks like in a little boy.  You are adorable, disciplined, independent, courageous and a fine boy. You snuggle and love me. I melt when you say, “I haven’t had my hugs and kisses yet today, Mommy”. Sometimes I wonder why you call me Mommy and not Mummy J or Mumma J, I adore that you need to be burrowed into your bed at night in order to sleep. You read so much at this age is no joke. This summer in a month you read more than 60 books and logged 1848 minutes of reading. Scholastic Publisher even gifted you a book for loggin so many minutes. Both your dad and me are very proud of you.

And nothing gets to me more than hearing you say, “I love you, my Mommy”. Thank you, sweet, small dude – for completing our family.
I will always love you, my buddy.
Happy 6th birthday Atharv

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