In spite of the six thousand manuals on child raising in the bookstores, child raising is still a dark continent and no one really knows anything. You just need a lot of love and luck - and, of course, courage.
-- Bill Cosby
Well said by Bill Cosby. I completely agree with this. Books give us enough wisdom to know and understand how ideal parenting should be. However every child is different, every parent is different and so are the parenting styles.
In fact the journey of each parent (from a girl/boy to woman/man) is different and how they fought the world to became a man and woman is different. Sometimes these parents came together (and got married) from different region, different background, have led a life with different status, upbringing, and many more things. But there was something common that brought these two individuals together and they decided to spend their lives together and then they have kids. In this case of course the parenting style will be different. But the common bond that hold all three is love, respect, care and concern for each other. A mother is same across the globe. All mothers comprise of a bundle of emotions that sometimes defy reason.
A mothers knows whats best for her child because she is his/her mother. But still I have seen people questioning mothers about their parenting style? Commenting on child's health, making the child feel ill about his health just because he/she is thin, they should blame the parents genes. And worst, compare with siblings. They don't realize comparison only creates jealousy and hatred among children.
Times have changed, parenting styles have changed. Also there is difference in showing concern. One should not make it look like they are questioning the mother and her instincts to raise a child. If something works for your child doesn't mean it works for your neighbour's child. There is a saying-one should never compared his life or kids with others, you have no idea how screwed up their lives or kids are.
So to all mothers and all to be mothers just take a deep breathe and relax. Do what you feel is good for your kid. Please take suggestions if required/necessary, but the joy of bringing your child your way and with your prayers is truly amazing.
I would like to quote Chetan here before I close this blog: " There is nothing called as perfect parenting, everybody is learning on the job, so nobody has right to pin point others."