Sunday, January 6, 2013

Atharv's book library

Atharv has started getting attracted towards nice colourful books and stories. And being a good mom, I have also started buying beautiful books for Atharv. 

Whenever Atharv finishes his school home work in the afternoon. he picks up a book and comes to me and says, "story sunao na". He loves to listen when I read out to him with my animation :). He has to listen to 2-3 stories before he goes to bed.

His favorite stories are Ginger-bread boy, Piped piper of Hamelin, Pinnochio, Winnie the pooh to name a few. He has heard the stories so many times that now when I read one line he blurts out another line. By now Atharv has got 93 story books in his collection. 

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