Thursday, January 31, 2013

Off to school

Morning Masti: Atharv had his milk and breakfast and is off to school.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Atharv's book library

Atharv has started getting attracted towards nice colourful books and stories. And being a good mom, I have also started buying beautiful books for Atharv. 

Whenever Atharv finishes his school home work in the afternoon. he picks up a book and comes to me and says, "story sunao na". He loves to listen when I read out to him with my animation :). He has to listen to 2-3 stories before he goes to bed.

His favorite stories are Ginger-bread boy, Piped piper of Hamelin, Pinnochio, Winnie the pooh to name a few. He has heard the stories so many times that now when I read one line he blurts out another line. By now Atharv has got 93 story books in his collection. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Things Atharv enjoys

My boy has become pretty big, amazing, sensitive, caring and a rockstar. What a deadly combination.

By now i have observed that he likes doing the following things:

1. He loves listening to music. His recent favorite is song sung by Mohit Chauhan, featuring Ranbir Kapoor in film Rockstar - Saada Haq. While singing the song his woodden bat either become a mike or a guitar and he screams and sings. Once he had gone out for dinner and suddenly Atharv screams "Saada Haq Ethey Rakh"..Ufff

2. He loves Fighter planes: You show Atharv a picture of an aircraft and he will tell you the name. He loves watching endless videos on youtube with me and Chetan. He loves to watch aerial combats and dog fights. Recently NatGeo and Discovery has become his favorite channel since they feature lot of these stuff.

3. The other love is CARS. Like my female colleagues says, "Atharv gives us complex, he knows more about cars than we do". He know names of 90 per cent cars on the road since the age of 3.

4. This is the best part. He enjoys cooking. Yes! you read it right.Since the age of 2 years Atharv knows how to clean greek fenugreek, remove peas from pea pod, etc,. He cooks amazing Omlette, tea recipe is by heart, can roll a puri pretty efficiently.

5. Loves playing with Nivu: this is not at all explainable. I think he loves that girl :)