Thursday, June 9, 2011

First day at School

This morning, I softly opened your door

Reluctant to rouse you from sleep

Your black hair all tousled from a little boy's dream

And your body curled up in heap.

For a stolen moment standing there at your door

My mind reached back into time

To a little blue bundle cuddled up in my arms

And gentle hints of nursery rhyme.

Was it not a mere yesterday

That you were learning how to walk

And I know that it was just last week

We were teaching you to talk.

But somehow, I managed to waken you

To your breakfast waiting there

I dressed you in your finest clothes

And I carefully combed your hair.

Oh little boy, I love you so

And I felt like such a fool

To be so hesitant to let go of you

On your very first day of school.

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