Monday, June 27, 2011

This is how we run after we get off from our school bus

The first guy who is running is the smallest of all and yes thats my boy!

Thats Atharv searching treasure in the iron pipe
Atharv and his school bus friends going wild.

Friday, June 24, 2011



I have just added a gadget to your blog, which will tell me how many people have visited the blog.


Pranali Arora

Friday, June 10, 2011

Every day is a surprise!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

First day at School

This morning, I softly opened your door

Reluctant to rouse you from sleep

Your black hair all tousled from a little boy's dream

And your body curled up in heap.

For a stolen moment standing there at your door

My mind reached back into time

To a little blue bundle cuddled up in my arms

And gentle hints of nursery rhyme.

Was it not a mere yesterday

That you were learning how to walk

And I know that it was just last week

We were teaching you to talk.

But somehow, I managed to waken you

To your breakfast waiting there

I dressed you in your finest clothes

And I carefully combed your hair.

Oh little boy, I love you so

And I felt like such a fool

To be so hesitant to let go of you

On your very first day of school.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My boy is my perfect angel

Atharv must have observed me applying nail polish, dont know when? and see what he did.

The other day when I was reading some book. He opened the drawer of my dressing table, picked up black nail polish, asked me to stretched my feet and guess what? he started applying nail polish on my feet (nails) with perfect concentration. I still can't get over that precious moments. I love you my boy, you are my world. Muahhh! One more best moment of my life and I am sure many more to come.