Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Atharvs admission in mainstream school

So finally the day has come that we are running and going crazy to take admission for Atharv in the mainstream school for class nursery. On Friday when we visited Atharv's to be school (hopefully Gundecha)at 6am, there were already 15 people standing in front of us. Finally we came home at 9 with a first round of victory that we received the form. We collected all the documents and today, on monday morning I reached the school at 510am to submit the forms and yippie ther are only 3 people standing ahead of me. Now I am blogging standing in the que, waiting for school to open at 8am. Will keep you guys posted with latest developments.

Atharv's first fancy dress competition (Playschool-Treehouse)

Every day is a surprise!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ganesh Chaturthi

This year for Ganesh Chaturthi, we all visited to my Masi's place. The place is almost in midst of a jungle. A hugeeee house, loving people, house full of 30 people, oh what fun! I was very excited to take Atharv. So we reached in the afternoon, met everybody.All my cousins, their respetive hubbys,wifys and kids. Atharv was super thrilled. He was just running around from one corner of the house to the other.

Then our junior saw hens, cocks and chicken in the backyard. He chased them for almost three hours (bare feet). With his little stool, he was running after them and they were running for thier lives. Everybody was so happy to watch Atharv.

Later in the evening, he was amazed by a dolak and he kept playing with it for hours. He used to call me from kitchen just to showcase his skills. My boy, I love you so much.

Next day morning was like competition of taking bath amongst 30 odd people. We all woke up at 5am for Ganapati puja and also to make sure the bathroom is available. All kids took bath in the open. Attached are some random pix. Enjoy Maadi!

Atharv sorry for putting these pix on the blog...But you are looking gorgeous my dear! MUAAAHHH!

Friday, September 10, 2010

William D Tammeus says

You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back.

Eid celebrations at Atharvs School (Play Group: Treehouse)

These pictures are clicked when my big boy came back from school. He is a complete lady killer. Check him out! So cool he looks.