Friday, May 14, 2010

Hidden Things

Atharv has got into a habit of hiding things under the pillow. Anything and everything that he likes goes under the pillow or the bedsheet. Initially it started happening with his toys. Then one day a very interesting thing happened. Chetan was not able to find his hand phone. We searched the entire house but we were not able to locate it. We tried calling on the hand phone. It kept ringing but again we could not hear it.

Now imagine how anybody can hear the phone ringing, if it is buried under two pillows by Master. Atharv Arora. After some days, the similar story took place. But this time it was dadu’s mobile phone. So by now we were used to finding different things under the bedsheet or pillow.

One more interesting episode, where Atharv asked for few ice cubes, he took those ice cubes and hide it under the pillow. It was Atharv’s best kept secret. After some time, Atharv remembered about his hidden treasure. When he went back in search of the treasure (ice), guess what he didn’t find a thing. Poor baby came to Mumma crying and took me towards his bed. Initially I was wondering why was he crying but then realised the story of Solid turning to liquid and that’s the reason why my baby was crying. I kissed him, hugged, wanted to laugh but didn’t laugh coz my baby was crying. Then I gave him fresh ice cubes. Still he didn’t learn his lessons. Again the ice cube went underneath the pillow.

This time we waited for Ice cube to melt in front of our eyes and showed him what happened. He didn’t look convinced and started crying over melted ice cubes. I again had to give him a fresh ice cubes.

Similar way a bowl of dal was also under the pillow one day. IMAGINNNNNNEEEEEEE!

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