Wednesday, December 30, 2009

1. Ride on a muda
2. Go to Papa
3. Put him to sleep
4. Bite the bum :-)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Where is your head?

Atharv has started recogninsing his body parts. He can identify his head, nose, ears, eyes, teeth, tongue, fingers, toes and stomach. He can recognise his toys with names like Cubbu, Simba, Tiger, Mau Billi, big car, small car, Robotic car etc.

Mumma's office desk

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fun time at Gaming zone

We took Atharv today to Inorbit mall at Malad. After finishing our lunch we took Atharv to gaming zone at the mall. When enquired at the the counter, we realised that Atharv can only enjoy two rides - Bike and train.

Atharv sat in my lap in the train, which took steep turns from start to end. I enjoyed thoroughly. Atharv –our hassi ka bulbula, didn’t stop laughing and screaming. Chetan was feeling content (his facial expressionJ) looking at us.

When Atharv sat on deadly bike, he was not concentrating on the movement of the bike. He was trying to touch the green button along with key inserted in it.

Man! It was an awesome day. Planning to take him more often to such place. Unfotunately we were not carrying the camera.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Big Boy

Can't believe Atharv has grown sooo big & chooo sweet
Writing a blog on Atharv’s activities has become very challenging these days. Atharv has started doing so many things that I just can’t pen down. I have never seen a baby who laughs and have so much fun. He is crazyzzyyy. Even strangers love to watch Atharv. People call him a hyperactive kid.

He just doesn’t get tired. He keeps watching, dancing, laughing, screaming, and throwing toys, exploring new things, a very observant kid. His ears are extremely sharp. Amazing concentration, seldom gets distracted.

He makes me feel so special. He snuggles into me, hugs me (Gakki), cuddles me, kisses me, his unique way of keeping his head on my lap, shoulder is so cute.

Sometimes if I get angry (very rare, time pass anger), he just looks at me, then laughs and then he tries to please me by giving toys in my hands or he comes to me and snuggles into me. And after my baby’s lovy dovy looks, I give up and hug him tight.

Lately, he has started talking to himself. He looks and sounds so awesome. He talks to himself and most of the times to his toys for almost 5-10 minutes. He talks like this: ta…ta…teh-teh-..ti..tu..taa…tu.dda..da…hehe then in between he screams and talks loudly and the same thing follows.

This weekend, he was sitting on my tummy and started singing: Lala…lala…la. I used to sing and then he used to repeat the same thing. Atharv rolls his tongue with enough saliva in the mouth and then he sings Lala… Oh man! He sounds so adorable.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Atharv's first movie in the Hall

Atharv’s first movie in Cinema Hall (PVR Cinemas) – Ninja Assassin. The movie was full of martial art sequences which was very bloody. Hehehehe

The action sequences were pretty amazing in spots, though they were a bit heavy on up-close and hand-held cinematography. It's hard to appreciate the fight choreography when only the hero's head and chest fit in the shot. But when the camera pulls back and lets us see what's going on, the fights were engrossing (though they're graphic enough that the faint of heart should stay away). There were a wide variety of weapons, and lots of leaping and slashing and general awesomeness.

The ninja themselves are pretty cool, though they have a tendency to come out of the shadows to face their enemies in a rising tide of whispers. This might have been intended to be a part of the soundtrack, not something the ninja were actually doing, but I was thinking, "aren't ninja supposed to be quiet?" I took break when Atharv started laughing and screaming in the hall and took him out in the lounge where we played peek-a-boo and when we came back the fight was still on.

Raizo's - A supposedly amazing and deadly ninja in the movie, he takes a long time to kill people (his first assignment fresh out of training is a middle-aged obese guy in a bathroom, and they both wind up covered in blood and howling like mad before the end of the fight), is incredibly noisy, and pretty much never hides his face. Atharv, finally went off to sleep, "Worst. Ninja movie ever."

"Ninja Assassin" seems to want to be an update on the classic stupid ninja movie, but it isn't nearly that good. It might be worth watching if you like stupid martial arts flicks, but only if you can fast-forward through the boring bits. We and Atharv had a gooooood time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Atharv my baby

Atharv 1 month old: So tiny, so innocent, so sweet, just like an angel.

Atharv 1 year old: A complete laughter riot, masti khor, badmash baccha, do not like to be in our arms, wants to run all day pushing moda, chairs and other furniture, loves throwing clothes, utensils, toys just to hear the BANG sound, bites every one, recently started pinching, laughs aloud showing his 8 teeth, loves eating thoroughly just like us.