Friday, November 22, 2013

My little chef at work

Special farm fresh pizza with onions, loads of corn, mushroom, paneer and lots of love

I made it

When I cut the pizza, he took out a small pie, went to the kitchen, got a small plate, placed the pie and went to Nivus house to share it. I simply love this habit of Atharv's

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bday Party Pix @ McDonalds, Thakur Village, Kandivali East

My boy spinning the plate

Atharv dancing

Ranveer singing a song

Kids are getting ready for some fun

Prithvi Atharvs school bus friend


We want the balloon. Thats Rohits Mom Shubhangi on the rt

Our Family

Fun time

Cake Cutting

Look at Atharvs best friend Nivu

Busy cutting and feeding

Tongue Out 

Bro n Sis

My fav couple

Atharv turns 5

Five years ago Atharv came into this world and my life changed forever. He was placed in my arms for the first time directly after his birth at 6.45 a.m., November 10, 2008. My heart had never felt so full as it did at that exact moment. From that moment on, I was someone’s Mom. It has been the most difficult and most rewarding job I have ever had, and I am thankful every single day for this blessing in my life.

At 6.45 a.m. this morning, I quietly went into my son’s bedroom to wish him a happy birthday. I go into his room every year at 6.45 a.m. on his birthday to kiss him and tell him how much I love him. This year, I stood by his bedside and just stared in awe at the wonder before me. I watched the rhythmic rise and fall of his small chest as he slept peacefully. I listened to his breath strong and steady, and said a silent prayer to thank God for bringing this child into my life. He has been the breath in my lungs and the beat of my heart since the nanosecond he came into this world. I kissed his forehead, as I did 5 years ago when he was first placed in my arms.  My heart melted, as it did that first moment I laid eyes on him.

The day I became a Mom–I choose to look at things from a different point of view. I choose to take hold of the blessing  I have been given in being tasked with being a Mom in the first place. It is a privilege for me to be my son’s Mom. After all he is my best creation ever.

Today both Chetan and I celebrate the day, my son was brought into this world, into our life. I learn something every single day from being his Mom. I cannot wait to see what he teaches me next.

Happy birthday, Atharv. I love you. We all love you.

Atharvs bday fun in the morning

Every day is a surprise!