Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In the hospital - Day 3

I remember Snigdha calling Atharv - HOT :-)

When she saw him for the first time, he loved him so much that she stayed back for some hours at the hospital. She loved his eyes.

In the hospital - 12th Nov

Friday, November 7, 2008

हमारा परिवार

एक दुसरे से करते है प्यार हम
एक दुसरे के लिए बेकरार हम
एल दुसरे के वसते मरना पडे तोह
है तैयार हम!
(तोडा फिल्मी हगोया, लेकिन alright है जी)

पस: पुराणी तस्वीर है इसलिए बच्चे नही है पिक्चर में

Thursday, November 6, 2008

9th Month: Delhi, 6th November 2008

The countdown has begun. Only ten days to go. The expected date of delivery is 16 November, but Dr. said once the 9 months are completed delivery can happen anytime and if does not happen they will induce pain to deliver. Baby’s weight is 3.2 kgs.

Today I told mummy that, “Somehow I know the baby will come on 10th. Let’s wait & watch.”