Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In the hospital - Day 3

I remember Snigdha calling Atharv - HOT :-)

When she saw him for the first time, he loved him so much that she stayed back for some hours at the hospital. She loved his eyes.

In the hospital - 12th Nov

Friday, November 7, 2008

हमारा परिवार

एक दुसरे से करते है प्यार हम
एक दुसरे के लिए बेकरार हम
एल दुसरे के वसते मरना पडे तोह
है तैयार हम!
(तोडा फिल्मी हगोया, लेकिन alright है जी)

पस: पुराणी तस्वीर है इसलिए बच्चे नही है पिक्चर में

Thursday, November 6, 2008

9th Month: Delhi, 6th November 2008

The countdown has begun. Only ten days to go. The expected date of delivery is 16 November, but Dr. said once the 9 months are completed delivery can happen anytime and if does not happen they will induce pain to deliver. Baby’s weight is 3.2 kgs.

Today I told mummy that, “Somehow I know the baby will come on 10th. Let’s wait & watch.”

Thursday, October 30, 2008

8th Month: Delhi, October 2008

In the month of October Chetan came to Delhi. I was so happy. We went for a movie – Rock On.

October was the month of celebration. Snigdha’s birthday, Mridu- Narin bhais wedding anniversary, my birthday, Raman bhai’s birthday, Tara’s birthday (in Bangalore), Chetan’s birthday (in Mumbai), Karva Chauth, Diwali.

Bhai-Bhabhi’s anniversary was celebrated by some nice Italian food prepared by Mridhu Bhabhi. For Raman bhai’s birthday, he sent me a sinful chocolate cake. My birthday was celebrated very well by Mummy-Papa. They hosted a dinner at our place. Mummy made her very famous Date & Walnut cake and some yummy food. For Chetan’s birthday, we send him a bouquet of 30 roses. hahahah u know why.

Karva Chauth and Diwali were awesome. Lights, Rangoli, colourful clothes, Mithai, hmmmmmmmmm. I love to celebrate festivals with relatives. It has its own charm.

Our monthly check ups has now become weekly check ups. Baby’s weight was 2.9 kgs. Baby was already dancing in my tummy. Baby is moving so much that while seating even Mummy can see the moments. Baby gets excited when I talk to Chetan or listen to music. I am sure he is gonna be a music lover and papa’s boy.

Chetan has already booked his and Ayi’s tickets for 14th November to come to Delhi.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7th Month: Mumbai/Dehi, Septemeber 2008

After long discussions, planning and thinking, we decided to go to Delhi for my delivery. As mummy papa was also insisting that I should get my delivery done in Delhi.

We celebrated Ganesha Chathurthi in Mumbai on 3rd September and left for Delhi on 4th. Chetan’s friend, Sumit Ahuja came to pick us up. The same night we went for dinner with Sumit-Priya and we went some club outside Delhi. Sumit – Priya, Naman and Sanjeev treated us for dinner. We reached home by 1:30am.

Finally after 4 days, Chetan was leaving for Mumbai and I was in tears, as this is first time ever we were parting for months. We both were very unhappy.

During the last week, Mummy arranged for Sukhmani Paath at home for our baby.

This month we also decided to go for Cord blood banking with Life Cell. It was little expensive for us but then we had to enroll for it for our yet to come baby.

When I visited doctor and did the ultra sound, baby weight was in the range but was on the lower side and hence doctor put me on Protein supplements. Therptin biscuits and Mama's proteinex, it was YUCKS! but I am still having it and will have to have it till baby turns 5 months old.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

6th Month: Mumbai, August 2008

We used to visit Lilavati Hospital for our Monthly visit. Baby was growing very well doctor.

Aayi had already started planning for my godh bharai. We finally decided to do it on 15th August 2008. Mummy also planned to come for the function along with Nani Maa.

The function was very well organized. Mummy, Aayi, Nani Maa, Chetan, every one was very happy. I was getting pampered like anything. 5 women from aayi’s side, Mummy, Neelu aunty, Rajni didi did the godh bharai rasam with fruits, dry fruits, cash, sarees, dress materials, gifts etc. Chetan was very happy and he was going on clicking my pictures.

The last ritual of Godh Bharai was unveiling of Peda (representing baby boy) and Barfi (representing baby girl) which was covered with two bowls. Chetan picked up the peda bowl.

Loads of blessings were showered by relatives for healthy baby. That evening I left with Aayi to Bhayander as it was a custom and also because next day was Solar Eclipse.

People believe that during solar eclipse pregnant women are supposed to follow lot of things like not folding hands, crossing legs, wiggling nose or ears, no eating or drinking, no touching of any metal, knives, tearing or folding of paper. All these things are observed to keep the baby safe inside the womb. As people believe that eclipse harm the baby if you do not follow the above mentioned.

The Eclipse started at 1:00 in the afternoon and lasted till 6:00 pm. Aayi was keeping a watch on me thinking knowing or unknowingly I was crossing my legs, rubbing nose etc. It was really irritating but had to do for our baby. Finally after taking bath, I got to eat and drink.

We finalized Avni for baby girl and Atharva for baby boy
Avni (which means Earth)
Atharv (its name of lord Ganesha, and its also one of the four Vedas. They say Artharva veda consists of hyms, myths, magic formulae, spells etc

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

5th Month: Mumbai, July 2008

Dr. Coelho recommended NM Medical for 4D scan at Linking Road, Bandra. This scan was mother of all scans, that we have had seen till now. We could actually see our baby’s spinal cord, which was very well developed with other organs. Chetan almost started jumping out of his sitting and started disturbing Dr. with loads of questions. He was so curious and I was so happy seeing him like this. After eating ice creams and pastries, we did another round of scan, to see baby’s expressions. It was a blisssssss!!!!!!

I don’t know how but Chetan said it’s a boy. Now lets wait and watch.

As the days are passing the love for our baby is just growing day-by-day and I am sure it will continue to grow.

In mid-July, we planned for a weekend trip to Lonavala. It was lovely morning, we started our day by 8am, it was drizzling and finally away from City’s traffic, Chetan could actually enjoyed driving at 100km/hr. We called just dialed and booked Orchard resort, which was nice and we had great time resting, lazing, talking etc. These days we only discuss about our baby.

After a week when Chetan was at work and I was alone, I had a terrible fall in the bedroom and I was unable to reach anyone and I was so scared for the baby that I have no words to describe it. I had no pain but still I got up and rested for few hours then spoke to Chetan, he immediately rush home. That night I had terrible pain in my abdomen and I was restless. To make me feel better, Chetan took me downstairs for a walk at 12:30 in the night and then took me for a small ride. We came home and went off to sleep. After few hours again the pain started. Next day he took holiday and we visited Lilavati Hospital. Doctor said everything is fine and she put me on medication. I still remember how scared we were for our baby.

During monthly up, doctor said our baby is progressing well. I had start gaining weight. This month onwards, I stopped wearing jeans, denims etcL. I was not able to fit into in clothes.

But baby’s movement and kicks were the most awesome feeling. It used to make me feel so proud and good that I am holding a tiny little life in my womb. This feeling is incredible.

Monday, June 30, 2008

4th Month: Bangalore/Mumbai, June 2008

Leaving for Mumbai was both sad and exciting. Sad because we were leaving such a beautiful city, where we spend 2 ½ lovely & exciting years and happy because Chetan was getting into a new profile with Standard Chartered Bank.

Mummy was with us at Bangalore to help us pack our stuff and of course to take care of me. Papa followed mummy after 1 ½ week. We sent our stuff to Mumbai through movers and packers on 5th June and we stayed at Bhai place for two days and then left for Mumbai. We had fun spending time with our family and playing with Tara.

In Mumbai, we stayed for 3 weeks at Aayi’s place till our house was completely set.

My morning sickness was finally subsiding and I was feeling quite good. Though I had already shopped for bigger size clothes but I was still fitting into my old dresses, jeans, tees etc. I was still not looking pregnant. :-(

In Mumbai, we consulted Dr Kiran Coelho at Lilavati Hospital, Bandra for monthly checking.

Every day when Chetan used to go for office, I used to go through hundreds of websites to short list baby’s name. I was so excited doing that; I used to sit for hours on net to check the names. Every month we used to finalise some name for the baby and of course it used to change next month.
I felt the first kick on 27th June 2008. But it was very subtle.

We had subscribed to lot of baby newsletter and websites to understand pregnancy, baby’s development, behavior, dos, don’ts etc.

Friday, May 30, 2008

3rd Month: Bangalore, May 2008

We were so excited for the scanning. Chetan picked me up from my office at around 2:00pm. Our appointment was at 3:00pm but due to several emergency cases, we finally got inside the scanning room at 6:15 pm. In the hospital whenever we used to look at other parents we used to always feel that we are the funniest couple.

In the scanning room, when we saw our baby’s tiny heart, hands, legs and other movements I again broke in tear (as they say khushi key aason). Chetan was almost jumping in joy and asking 1000s of questions to the radiologist (Dr. Prathima Radhakirshnan). Our baby was raising his/hers head, kicking, stretching. Wow! What a sight to watch. The feeling is awesome yaar!

During this month, I didn’t look pregnant or feel our baby is inside me, when checked with Dr. , she said one can only feel baby’s movement after 5months.

Aayi and Chinky visited us at Bangalore. But could not spend proper time with them because half the time I used to be in bathroom throwing up or in Office.

Due to continuous vomiting, I was dehydrated and was admitted in a hospital, I was put on glucose drips, however I was back on the same day.

Also, Chetan wanted to move from Standard Chartered Bank – Personal Loans (Credit Manager) to some other department. Luckily on his boss recommended his name to the Mumbai team (Operational Risks). I was happy with my job but then we mutually decided to move to Mumbai, as Chetan’s profile was very exciting. It was really difficult for me to leave a job.

Everything was happening at a very fast pace. Chetan was asked to resume Mumbai office in the first week of June.

To help us pack our things, since I was unwell, Mummy came from Delhi help us.

Chetan visited Mumbai in the third week of May to finalise a house. He had only three days to do so. He finally took a flat in Dheeraj Hill View Tower (B/1203) on the 12th floor at Kandivali East. The flat was smaller than our Bangalore house, but it was more than sufficient for us. I also traveled with him since I had an interview lined up with Taj Hotels for the post of the PR manager. I got through the interview and was very happy. On my way back to the guesthouse, I realized that I haven’t informed them about my pregnancy. Next day, I fixed up an early morning meeting with the Director and informed her. She was happy that I had been honest, however she informed that she will not be able to hire me as my due date is November and that period is quite busy for the hotels. I was little upset, but I think god wanted me to take better care of the baby sitting at home.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2nd Month: Bangalore, April 2008

Throwing up sessions is still on. Now I am tired of them already. They make me feel so weak. I do not feel like eating, but I still eat so that my baby gets proper nourishment.

Now its not even two months of pregnancy and you have no idea how much we care for you baby. Chetan immediately bought a car (our first car – Pearl Silver Alto LXI) so that I don’t feel any jerks while traveling. I used to travel by auto to Office (Air Deccan at Cunningham Road).

While praying, we already started asking God to protect you and keep you safe and sound. It’s amazing how we have started feeling about you.

On 6th April 2008, we went for scanning, Chetan was not allowed; as it was early pregnancy scan. While scanning, I insisted that she should show the screen to me but she refused saying I can’t have a look since its only 7 weeks. After completion of 10-14 weeks they will show us. After pleading for several times J, she gave up. When I saw the screen, she asked me to look into a hollow structure in which some tiny little thing was flickering – That tiny flickering thing was my baby’s heartbeat and the hollow structure was the amniotic sac. What next? I broke into tears and smiles. As soon as I got out of that room I went and hugged Chetan and told him how beautiful the feeling was!

After that whenever I used to close my eyes, I used to think about your heartbeat. I am so over whelmed. Even though I am penning this down, I am sure only a mother can understand what that feeling is. Seriously!

Next day we informed Aai, Mummy, Papa, Bhai and Bhabhi.

But I still feel very tired, lethargic and sleepy. It is the most amazing feeling but morning sickness is extremely difficult to handle.

Doctor has advised OBG panel test, which we did on the same day (14th April 2008) at Apoorva Diagnostic, CMH Road, Bangalore, which included – Clinical Haematology (Hb check, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Serology, Immunology, Blood Group and Rh factor), Biochemistry (glucose test), Immunology Test (Thyriod Stimulating Hormone – TSH test) and finally Urine Test, which I refer to susu test. All results were normal and we were a very happy couple.

Another scan was advised by the Dr. Hemanandini in the first week of May– The First Trimester Scan. We took appointment for the scan (3:00pm, 8th May 2008) at Manipal Hospital, Airport Road, Bangalore.

Monday, March 31, 2008

How Did I Feel

1st MONTH: Banglaore, March 2008

Today (16th March) I did home pregnancy test and guess what? It was positive. I actually didn’t know how I felt, but I surely remembered that my heart was beating faster and harder. I showed that test to Chetan and we were so happy.

But the feeling was blissful. Just to be sure, I repeated the tests next morning and the result was same. We were very happy that you were coming into your life to make it brighter.

We both were so excited that we wanted to convey this news to everybody but we controlled ourselves and decided that we will inform every body only when first trimester gets over.

On 18th March 2008, we had planned a holiday to Mumbai to meet Aayi, Chinky, Punit and some relatives and friends. This trip was important because Chetan was visiting Mumbai with me after 2 years. Last, he visited Mumbai was for our reception – 22 February 2006.

We had loads of fun in Mumbai. We rested, we met relatives, friends etc. We went for shopping, movies, coffee, sat at marine drive with Vyoma, bought some books, traveled by train, and ate Mumbai’s famous bun maska pav with tapri Chai. Total Masti.

In Mumbai, I informed Chinky about my baby. She was very happy almost head over heels. The feeling was nice.

As soon as we reach Bangalore, we dumped our bags and we visited the doctor and she calculated baby age – only 5 weeks. Wow! She asked us to do a scan between 5-10 April 2008.

As per the books and the Internet research, you won’t imagine how small you are inside me – Almost a size of an apple seed. We even bought a book for help and special tips – What to expect when you are expecting.

But the most difficult part of pregnancy was morning sickness, which actually should be called as whole day sickness. I keep throwing up every single thing that I ate then, sometimes, even water. I used to get up in the morning by say – 5am, 4 am, 6am only to puke. It was really difficult. This entire vomiting thing used to make me feel so weak.

Chetan used to buy veggies and fruits from the market, used to fold clothes, help me pack my tiffin. He is really the best! So caring, so loving. I am blessed to have him as my life partner.

I have realized that been pregnant is the one of the most beautiful feeling in the whole world. Of course 9 months is too long to wait but anything for my dearest baby.